Friday, March 13, 2009

Powering the Wiimote

As you will know if you've visited our website, , we at 3Pi believe the best use of this technology in a classroom setting, is when the data projector and wiimote are both ceiling mounted. This setup makes the system very simple for teachers to use and removes any chance of students interfering with the wiimote.

The question that we are sometimes asked though, is how we provide power to the wiimote.
Well, our first reply is "very carefully!". The wiimote is designed to run on stable DC power and that is what you have to give it. We achieve this by combining a quality regulated AC/DC adapter with a clever piece of electronics that ensures the current it receives is abolutely steady at the correct voltage.

The 3Pi power adapter does not require modification of the wiimote itself and simply clips into place where the batteries would normally go. This has the added advantage of letting the wiimote be used as a portable unit in the future, or even for playing Wii games!

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