Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Microsoft Onenote

The great 'unused' tool in the Microsoft Office suite is Onenote. It is fantastic for organising your lessons/notes/media/ etc/ into orderly, easy to retrieve files. It is just great as an interactive whiteboard resource because it comes with comprehensive built in annotation tools with easy to navigate tabs.

A feature that has proven very useful to many teachers is the built in range of background lines/grids that can be displayed. To access them, go to Format - Rule Lines, then choose.

(Advanced users can create their own templates with any background they like - useful if you have a specialist subject.)

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Great Music Resource site

If you are wondering how to use your interactive whiteboard to help music students, then you should definately have a look at MusicEdMagic. It includes research information, useful software, and a whole lot more. All of the resources will work just fine on the 3Pi system.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Right Click in SmoothBoard

By default, the operation of the pen is set to left click. You can change that in the SmoothBoard control panel but usually it is easier to use the built in controls.
The first way to achieve a right click is to click on the 'L' icon in your system tray. It will change to a 'R' and the next click will be a right click.

The next way to do it is to simply click at the very bottom of the image just below the calibrated area. This is called a 'toggle' zone and will again make the next click a right click.

The third way to do it is change the floating toolbar to 'PowerPoint" and select the right click.
Experienced users get very quick at using the option of their choice.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

SmoothBoard Version 2

The SmoothBoard team have been really busy over the last few months and they have now launched a major upgrade of their market leading software. All 3Pi customers will be issued with the new software from this date and if a previous customer wants the upgrade (free) then they should email us.

Some features to note in the new version include:
  • More line options
  • Built in lines/ gridlines
  • More colours
  • A floating toolbar that appears where the pen is rested
  • Ability to resize existing toolbar
  • Direct link to snapshots folder
  • A part select tool
  • An option to disconnect the wiimote on exit

Boon Jin and his team have really 'lifted the bar' with this version!