Friday, March 19, 2010


One aspect that is sometimes overlooked when setting up an effective interactive whiteboard is sound. Many of the best resources that you will use on your interactive board contain sound, and sharing it over typical laptop/desktop speakers simply won't engage your audience.
Luckily, there are many better sound systems that you can buy for relatively 'bargain' prices.

As an example, in New Zealand you can buy a Logitech X-530 5.1 system for around $90nzd. (Currently $97 Bond & Bond).
Personal experience with this system in several classrooms shows that it is very effective.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Great site for educational games

PurposeGames is an outstanding site to use with your interactive whiteboard. It has a wide variety of strangely addictive quiz type games where you race against the clock to complete tasks such as naming all the American States or labeling 20 places in New Zealand. The site maintains a leaderboard for all the various games and we can guarantee from experience with our own students that your class will love them. A neat feature is that you can design your own quizzes and then see how the masses out there in the great world wide web like them!